Theme/Relevant Ministry:
Transport Department (Sindh, Punjab); CDA (ICT); M/o PDSI
Project Brief:
Public transport is vital for socioeconomic development as it allows citizens to access opportunities, including, markets, social interaction, education, and other services, enabling them to rise out of poverty and overcome social exclusion. However, Pakistan lacks a decent and affordable public transport system for its citizens. This issue is particularly serious in urban areas due to the expansion in urbanisation, cities economic potential, generation of greater economic activity and subsequent need for mobility and commuting. Using choice modelling and primary surveys, this study investigates commuters’ preferences for different attributes or features of public transport and their willingness to pay for fare in three main cities of Pakistan (Islamabad, Lahore and Karachi).
Public Policy Relevance:
This research suggests using discrete choice modelling approach and a stated preference survey of commuters in three urban locations (Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad). The analysis uncovers commuters’ choices and their monetary valuation of different features of the public transport system such as fare and travel times, coverage, and comfort which informs the optimal design of public transport systems in urban Pakistan.
Final Research Report, Policy Brief and Journal article can be downloaded from the link: