CGP 1.0
CGP RESEARCH CALL ROUND 1.0. (18 Awarded Projects)
Under the 1st Call for Research Proposals (CGP 1.0), announced on 8 October 2020, the program received 202 applications under the themes of ‘Growth & Development’, ‘Market & Regulations’, ‘Cities Governance & Development’, ‘Persisting Energy Problems of Pakistan’ and ‘Governance, Public Policy Making & Aid Dependence’. Through its competitive 3-stage review process, the program made 18 awards amounting to Rs. 58.3 million. The work on the CGP Round 1.0 18 Research Projects was initiated on March 01 2021. All the 18 Projects have been successfully completed and printed in the form of 18 Research Reports, 18 Policy Briefs and 13 Journal Articles. The detail is given below: