Developing research and a research culture: Results from a pilot project in Pakistan
Nadeeem Ul Haque and David Orden
- 1st Call for Research Proposals
- 2nd Call for Research Proposals
- 3rd Call for Research Proposals
- 4th Call for Research Proposals
- 5th Call for Research Proposals
Competitive Grants Program Publications (2012-2015)
Journal Articles (accepted as of November 2016)
A19: Memon, Junaid Alam, Gullali Jogezai, Anwar Hussain, Mehwish Qudoos Alizai and Mumtaz A. Baloch. 2017. “Rehabilitating Traditional Irrigation Systems: Assessing Popular Support for Karez Rehabilitation in Balochistan, Pakistan.” Human Ecology 45: 265-275.
A18: Jan, Inayatullah and Waqar Akram. 2018. “Willingness of rural communities to adopt biogas system in Pakistan: Critical factors and policy implications.” Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 81, Part 2: 3178-3185.
A17: Malik, Adeel and Tahir Malik. “Pirs and Politics in Punjab, 1937-2013.” Modern Asian Studies 51(6): 1818-1861.
A16: Sher, Hassan, Rainer W. Bussmann, Robbie Hart, and Hugo J. de Boer. 2016. “Traditional use of medicinal plants among Kalasha, Ismaeli and Sunni groups in Chitral District, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, Pakistan.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology 188: 57-69.
A15: Younus, M., T. Abbas, M. Zafar, S. Raza, A. Khan, A.H. Saleem, M.A. Idrees, Q.U. Nisa, R. Akhtar and G. Saleem. 2016. “Assessment of heavy metal contamination in raw milk for human consumption.” South African Journal of Animal Science 46(2): 157-160.
A14: Tanwir, Maryam and Azam Chaudhry. 2016. “Reforming a Broken System: A New Performance Evaluation System for Pakistani Civil Servants.” Pakistan Development Review 55:1 (Spring): 49-72.
A13: Aijazi, Omer. 2016. “Who Is Chandni bibi?: Survival as Embodiment in Disaster Disrupted Northern Pakistan.” Women’s Studies Quarterly 44:1&2 (Spring/Summer): 95-110.
A12: Ashfaq, Muhammad, Amar Razzaq, Shamsheer-ul-Haq and Ghulam Muhammad. 2015. “Economic Analysis of Dairy Animal Diseases in Punjab: A Case Study of Faisalabad District.” Journal of Animal and Plant Science 25(5):1482-1495.
A11: Williams, Colin, Muhammad S. Shahid and Alvaro Martinez. 2015. “Determinants of the Level of Informality of Informal Micro-Enterprises: Some Evidence from the City of Lahore, Pakistan.” World Development. 84(August): 312-325.
A10: Qutub, Ayub, Nomana Anjum, Nazia Iftikharm, Mehnaz Mehmood and Nighat Bibi. Fall 2015. “Choices of Adolescent Girls for Schoolyard Activities in Rawalpindi-Islamabad, Pakistan.” Children, Youth and Environments 25(3): 40-61.
A9: Bakhsh. A, M. Ashfaq, A. Ali, M. Hussain, G. Rasool, Z. Haider and R.H. Faraz. 2015. Economic evaluation of different irrigation systems for wheat production in Rechna Doab. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 52(3): 821-828.
A8: Sher, Hassan, Mary E. Barkworth and Hugo J. de Boer. 2015. Medicinal and aromatic plant cultivation in the Swat valley, north-western Pakistan, for economic development and biodiversity conservation. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 62: 8.
A7: Tanwir, Maryam and Azam Chaudhry. 2015. “The performance evaluation system in Pakistan’s civil service.” Africa’s Public Service Delivery and Performance Review 3(2): 81-103.
A6: Sher, Hassan and Mary E. Barkworth. 2015. “Economic Development through Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) Cultivation in Hindu Kush Himalaya Mountains of District Swat, Pakistan.” Journal of Mountain Sciences 12(5): 1292-1301.
A5: Ashfaq, Muhammad, Amar Razzaq, Sarfraz Hassan and Shamsheer ul Haq. 2015. Factors Affecting the Economic Losses Due to Livestock Diseases: A Case Study of District Faisalabad. Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 52(2): 515-520.
A4: Malik, Ammar, Crooks, Andrew, Root, Hilton, Swartz, Melanie. 2015. Exploring Creativity and Urban Development with Agent-Based Modeling. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18(2) 12.
A3: Williams, Colin and Muhammad Shehryar Shahid. 2014. Informal entrepreneurship and institutional theory: explaining the varying degrees of (in)formalization of entrepreneurs in Pakistan. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development DOI 10.1080/08985626.2014.963889. Published online 8 October.
A2: Rizvi, Syed Kumail Abbas, Bushra Naqvi, Christian Bordes and Nawazish Mirza. 2014. Inflation volatility: an Asian perspective. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 27(1): 280-303. DOI:10.1080/1331677X.2014.952090. Published online 25 September.
A1: Sher, Hassan, Ali Aldosari, Ahmad Ali and Hugo J de Boer. 2014. Economic benefits of high value medicinal plants to Pakistani communities: an analysis of current practice and potential. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine 10:71.
Journal Articles and WORKING papers
(partial-list update, March 2019)
Bashir, Muhammad Khalid and Ali, Ghaffar. 2018. “Food Safety Perceptions Vs Reality: The Case of Peri-urban Areas of Rawalpindi, Pakistan.” Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 28(4): 1128-1141.
Burki, Abid A., Syed Muhammad Hussain, and Mushtaq A. Khan. 2016. “Pakistan KLEMS Database and Productivity Measurement at the Industry Level.” International Growth Centre, (IGC), London, UK, 44 pp.
Jan, Muhammad Ayub. 2017. “The Emergence and Transformation of Batkhela (Pakistan) Bazaar: Ethnic Entrepreneurship, Social Networks, and Change in Underdeveloped Societies.” Journal of South Asian Development 12(3): 308-330.
Majid, Hadia, Ammar A Malik, Katherine Vyborny. 2018. “Infrastructure Investments and Public Transport Use: Evidence from Lahore, Pakistan.” International Growth Centre (IGC), London, UK, Working Paper 56 pp.
Miankhel, Adil Khan. 2016. “Channelizing Afghanistan to Pakistan Informal Trade into Formal Channels.” East Asian Bureau of Economic Research, Trade Working Papers 25650.
Mirjat, Hussain, N. Uqaili, M.A. Harijan, K. Mustafa, M.W. Rahman, M.M. Khan, M.W. 2018. “A Multi-Criteria Analysis of Electricity Generation Scenarios for Sustainable Energy Planning in Pakistan.” Energies 11(4).
Syed, Ammad Ali, Qazi Masood Ahmed, and Lubna Naz. 2016. “Public Spending on Human Capital Formation and Economic Growth in Pakistan.” Asia-Pacific Development Journal, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), 23(1): 1-20.
Sabir, Samina. 2018. “Economic Infrastructure and Long Run Economic Growth in Pakistan: A New Insight.” Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 9(7): 129-142.
Valasai, G.D., M. A. Uqaili, H. R. Memon, S. R. Samoo, N. H. Mirjat, and K. Harijan. 2016. “Assessment of Renewable Energy for Electricity Generation: Using Pakistan TIMES Energy Model.” Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series) 48(4): 775-778.
PSSP WORKING PAPERs (available on IFPRI website)
- PSSP Working Paper 041: Channelizing Afghanistan to Pakistan Informal Trade into Formal Channels by Adil Khan Miankhel. May 2016.
- PSSP Working Paper 040: Potential of Market Discipline in Pakistan: The Bank Depositors’ Perspective by Nawazish Mirza, Bushra Naqvi, Syed Kumail Abbas Rizvi, and Birjees Rahat. April 2016.
- PSSP Working Paper 038: Determinants of Entrepreneurial Behaviour in FATA Pakistan by Ali Muhammad Mohmand and Muhammad Junaid. February 2016
- PSSP Working Paper 037: DNA Barcoding and Biochemical Profiling of Medicinal Plants of Northern and Desert Areas of Pakistan to Improve Rural Living Standards by Amer Jamil and Muhammad Ashfaq. February 2016
- PSSP Working Paper 036: Assessment of Water Allocations using Remote Sensing and GIS Modeling for Indus Basin, Pakistan by Muhammad Jehanzeb Masud Cheema, Allah Bakhsh, Talha Mahmood, and Muhammad Usman Liaqat. February 2016
- PSSP Working Paper 035: The Pakistan Remittance Initiative and Remittance Flows to Pakistan by Javaeria A. Qureshi. January 2016
- Cited extensively in Hurrahs for PRI, Pakistan Business Recorder, July 12, 2016
- PSSP Working Paper 034: Optimal Groundwater Management in Pakistan’s Indus Water Basin by Sanval Nasim and Steven Helfand. December 2015
- PSSP Working Paper 033: Experimental Evidence on Public Good Behavior across Pakistan’s Fractured Educational System by Zehra Aftab. December 2015
- PSSP Working Paper 032: A Disaggregated Analysis of Productivity and Growth for Pakistan’s Large Scale Manufacturing Sector by Fauzia Kamal. October 2015.
- PSSP Working Paper 031: Pakistan’s Potential Trade and ‘Behind the Border’ Constraints by Adil Khan Miankhel. June 2015
- PSSP Working Paper 030: Religion, Land and Politics: Shrines and Literacy in Punjab, Pakistan by Adeel Malik and Rinchan Ali Mirza. June 2015
- Also the subject of an op-ed in the Pakistan Express Tribune, July 2, 2015 Land of the Jinns: In the 115 tehsils studied in south Punjab, the authors found 64 shrines with direct political connections by Ayesha Siddiqa
- PSSP Working Paper 029. Aid Effectiveness in Poverty Alleviation in a Post-Conflict, Post-Disaster Setting: A Case Study of District Swat, Pakistan by Murad Ali. March 2015
- PSSP Working Paper 028: Economic Evaluation of Different Irrigation Systems for Wheat Production in Rechna Doab, Pakistan by A. Bakhsh, Ashfaq, A. Ali, M. Hussain, G. Rasool, Z. Haider, and R. H. Faraz. March 2014
- PSSP Working Paper 027. Urban Open Spaces for Adolescent Girls: An Assessment for Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan by Syed Ayub Qutub and Nomana Anjum. February 2015
- PSSP Working Paper 023:Effects of Livestock Diseases on Dairy Production and Incomes in District Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan by Muhammad Ashfaq, Ghulam Muhammad, Shamsheer-ul-Haq and Amar Razzaq. November 2014
- Also resulted in the popular press article in Pakistan Today, January 14 2015 Livestock productivity under threat as diseases hound the sector by M. Ashfaq, A. Razzaq and I. Javed
- PSSP Working Paper 022: Public Investment Efficiency and Sectoral Economic Growth in Pakistanby Qazi Masood Ahmed and Syed Ammad Ali. September 2014
- PSSP Working Paper 021: The emergence and transformation of Batkhela (Malakand) Bazaar: Ethnic entrepreneurship, social networks, and change in disadvantageous societies by Muhammad Ayub Jan. September 2014
- PSSP Working Paper 018: How much do you love Pakistan? A property tax revenue simulation for a municipal revolution in Punjab by Daniyal Aziz, Sabieh Haider and Muhammad Nasim Khan Raja. April 2014
- PSSP Working Paper 017: An assessment of industrial employment skill gaps among university graduates by Faisal Mehmood Mirza, Atif Ali Jaffri and Muhammad Saim Hashmi. April 2014
- PSSP Working Paper 015: Allocative inefficiency and farm-level constraints in irrigated agriculture in Pakistan by Sanval Nasim, Ariel Dinar and Steven Helfand. December 2013
- Also circulating as UC-Riverside Water Science and Policy Center Working Paper 02-1113)
- PSSP Working Paper 013: Can Pakistan have creative cities? An agent based modeling approach with preliminary application to Karachi by Ammar A. Malik, Andrew T. Crooks and Hilton L. Root. December 2013
- PSSP Working Paper 012: Analyses of selected heavy metals and aflatoxin M1 in milk for human consumption in Jhang city, Pakistan by Muhammad Younus, Tariq Abbas, Muhammad Kamran Rafique, Muhammad Sajid and Muhammad Jabbar. December 2013
- PSSP Working Paper 011: Collection and Marketing of High Value Medicinal and Aromatic Plants from District Swat, Pakistan by Hassan Sher. November 2013